12 week Online Home practice Program
We all have imbalances in our body, it’s natural. Daily life is not symmetrical nor balanced and so it’s normal that we will become stronger and tighter in some parts of our body and weaker in others.
Yoga postures offer us a way to become aware of these accumulated imbalances and gradually, over time, address them. Once we have addressed them, we can practice in a way that prevents these muscular imbalances from building up again. We can use our practice to become physically strong, agile and resilient.
This program combines 3 elements to fine tune your current yoga practice:
Online classes once a week
A course in movement principles
1 to 1 sessions to progress and modify your sequences as you improve over the 12 weeks
Online self-practice classes
Mondays at 6:30pm - 8:00pm for 12 weeks on Zoom. Commencing August 24, 2021.
These are self-practice classes.
Back to the Beginning – Finding Core Connections
Finding the muscular connections we developed from birth onwards and re-integrating them. A 12 part online course to complement your practice.
1 to 1 Sessions with Jean
In the week before the course starts you will have a 30 minute session with Jean to plan how you will practice (postures, sequencing, goals).
Then a 30 minute session every 3 weeks after that - during weeks 3, 6, 9 and 12 (5 sessions in total).
These will give you the opportunity to ask detailed questions and allow Jean to make changes to your practice to make sure you are progressing.
The last session in week 12 will be to discuss and advise you on how to continue to progress your practice once the course is over.
The 5 sessions must be scheduled prior to commencing the course.
Back to the Beginning – Finding Core Connections
Details of MOVEMENT PRINCIPLES course:
Finding the muscular connections we developed from birth onwards and re-integrating them.
When you were born you were capable of only a limited range of movements; turning your head, feeding, facial expressions, gripping with your hands.
With each passing month you practiced and developed new movement skills; curling your spine, lifting your head to look up, reaching for objects, pushing up on your arms, sitting upright, crawling, squatting, pulling up on furniture and eventually walking. Each of these progressions/movement patterns was dependent on the previous one to be successful and each of them was dependent on strong muscular connections. By the time you were 7 years old your spinal curves were fully developed, having changed form a C shape at birth to the 3 recognisable curves that we have as adults.
As children, our desire to play and move keeps us supple and strong. Once we start to spend more time sitting still (both at school and then at work) we can lose some of these core muscular connections that are essential in maintaining flexibility and strength. Sometimes, sports can cause asymmetry and overload certain parts of the body causing imbalance, or, we can have an accident or injury that results in changes in the way we move.
The ancient yogis were very aware of these internal connections and developed techniques and practices to help us remember these instinctive movement patterns as well as lay the foundation for breath practices that allow us to directly influence our state of mind.
This course will focus on these 3 aspects of practice:
Bandhas - specific locations in the body where we can focus our attention to optimise our breathing and the stability of our spine
Nadis - in Ayurveda these are described as energetic channels
Marmas - points located on the surface of the body or sometimes within the body
Drishti - essentially where we look
A yoga practice where we focus on these core connections allows us to feel lighter and stronger in our movements and gain back some of our lost flexibility. It can also help us to understand why we might have particular aches and pains, and how to address them.
Each week you will have a video to watch which explains a movement concept or principle to practice for that week. These movement concepts or principles are not complicated nor reliant on anatomy knowledge, everything will be explained. If there are any that you find difficult to practise you can always ask Jean in one of your private sessions. By focussing on one concept each week you will be able to gradually integrate the awareness and effort needed to create positive changes in your body.
There are only 12 places in this course. Please fill out the form below to apply.
The cost for this course is $430 - this works out at $35.83 each week.
You are getting 12 online classes, 5 thirty minute online private sessions and a movement principles course.