12 week Online Home-practice COURSE

with Jean Campbell - commencing November 15, 2021


Online self-practice classes

Mondays at 6:30pm - 8:00pm for 12 weeks on Zoom.

These are self-practice classes - meaning I will not be leading the class.

To join the course you need to be comfortable with independent practice and be committed to practising at least another 2 times a week (either in a class or at home).

1 to 1 SessioNs

If you are new to the course:
In the week before the course starts you will have a 30 minute session with me to plan how you will practice (postures, sequencing, goals). If you have an Ashtanga sequence you are working on we can discuss how to keep improving. We will then schedule another 30 minute session during the course.

If you are continuing on from the last course we can continue as before discussing new goals and progress in 2 online 30 minute private sessions.

I will be available from 6:15pm each Monday before the class starts if you have any questions or wish to discuss your practice. You can also contact me by email.

Please note: there will be no classes on December 27 and January 3. The final class for this course is Monday, February 14, 2022.

The cost for this course is $260 (1 upfront payment). This includes the 12 online classes and 2 online private sessions and works out to be $21.67 per week.

There are 10 places available.

Please fill out the form below to book your place. I will reply by email to confirm your place and give payment details. Your place is secure once you have paid.