How to release tension from your feet and ankles Asanas, PracticeJean CampbellNovember 7, 2020feet, plantar fasciitis, calf muscles
Postures to release tension from your deep shoulder muscles Asanas, PracticeJean CampbellOctober 31, 2020shoulders, rotator cuff muscles
How to strengthen the right muscles to prevent shoulder and neck injuries in yoga practice. Practice, InjuriesJean CampbellMarch 18, 2020injuries, shoulders, neck
The value of Plank pose and its variations Asanas, PracticeJean CampbellMarch 12, 2020plank pose, asana, upper body strength, purvottanasana
Postures to release tension from your deep hip muscles. Practice, AsanasJean CampbellFebruary 22, 2020hip joint, deep hip muscles, hip openers
Ustrasana (Camel pose) - suggestions for practice Asanas, PracticeJean CampbellFebruary 7, 2020Dynamic Yoga Anatomy BlogUstrasana, backbends, ustrasana
How to improve your Lunges (Anjaneyasana). PracticeJean CampbellFebruary 5, 2020Blod Dynamic Yoga Anatomylunges, backbends, anterior pelvic tilt, ustrasana